
September 21, 2021

Panthers in the Know

Panthers In The Know” newsletter is a summary of the Salisbury School Board meeting and is published after each regularly scheduled Board of Education meeting.  This document can also be found online at the district website:  www.salisbury.k12.mo.us

 Board Members:   Andrea Binder, Regina Boss, Chris Brown, Terry Hulett, Pam Lockard, Russ Stundebeck, Don Wyatt.

 MISSION STATEMENT: “The Salisbury R-IV School District will educate and inspire students to achieve individual success.”

 Public Participation at Board Meetings:  Everyone is invited to attend school board meetings.  Board meetings are informational and can involve written correspondence, agenda items, and public hearings.  All school policies can be found on the school website:  www.salisbury.k12.mo.u

 Next Meeting:  Tuesday, October 19th at 6:00.   All Board of Education meetings are held at the Salisbury Board of Education Room on the third Tuesday of each month at 6:00 p.m.


 Congratulations to the Girls Golf Team for winning the Salisbury golf tournament on Wednesday, September 22, 2021.

 The elementary staff had a great day on Friday, September 17, for Special Guest Day.

The different elementary bands played on the playground throughout the morning. My favorite was the World famous hot cinnamon rolls.

 The High School staff and students had a tremendous Homecoming Week.  The week was capped off with Homecoming Parade, Dance, and Pep Assembly all on Friday.

No football game because Carrollton had  COVID19 issues.

 District goals were presented by Dr. Jim Hinson from (EGL) Education, Governance, Leadership Association.   The Board of Education approved the district goals.

Notes from the Board Meeting

 Extended COVID days were discussed.  It was tabled and the administration will come back to a plan for the October board meeting.

 The board approved the District Smart Goals and Superintendent Smart Goals.

 The board  moved to approve the Superintendent Smart Goals.

 The board approved Communication Protocol between Board and Superintendent.

 The board moved to accept the snow removal bid from Tyler Linneman.

 The board moved to add steps 36 thru 40 years to the extracurricular activities schedule.

 The board moved to increase Ticket Takers hourly rate from $10. to $12.50.

 The board moved to offer a letter of intent to Matt Young as a sub bus driver.

 If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact Mr. Whiston at the district office at 309-388-6699.

 It’s a great day to be a Panther!

Mr. Whiston